Master Joel. Captain.
Master Joel is the Captain of our merry band and as such tries (and usually fails) to keep everyone together and make sure the whole event runs as smoothly as possible.
He has over 30 years in re-enacting and has a broad knowlege of periods and his main areas of interest are Medieval (12/13th C.) ECW, ACW and WW2 (SOE and resistance) but is concentrating on the Medieval.
He has a broad knowledge of weapons and is trained in the use of many from the Long bow to Musket and sword to pole arm. He and Sergeant Cantwell are the main trainers for the group and no one is allowed to use a weapon unless they are satisfied!

Mistress Mandy.
Mistress Mandy is our Camp Matriarch and rules with an iron hand! well she make sure all is well in the camp and that all are doing what they should and as wife of the Captain has to keep their siblings in order as well!
She has many years in re-enacting and like Joel has covered several periods although she is not a fighter she is not to be trifled with!

Master Doug.
Doug is our Leather man making leather work for our camp and group.

Master Nick.
Master Nick is our resident Peasant! Well poor old nick is actually our Corporal at arms but always seems to end up in trouble and in the stocks, just cant leave those Jelly babies alone... still one day he will learn!

Baz the Bard.
Baz the Bard, our resident twanger of the strings and banger of the drum... If you want a tune he can play it! Will always use the right notes... but not always in the right order, but usually works out fine!

Luke the Healer!
Our camp apothecary, purveyor of potions and camp sawbones. Let’s hope you don’t have to call on his services!

Clare the Seer.
Our very own Mystery woman. Clare the seer possessor of strange powers and great mysteries. She can hex you or vex you so be on your guard... but mostly she helps out in the camp.

Bob the Song.
Master of Leeches, Lutes and keeper of the dodgy songs book!

Friar Dave.
Is the guardian of our spirits, although it is as yet unconfirmed which spirits! Hick!

Dave the Guard.
Is one of our camp guards, but is too guarded to tell us more!

Mistress Kurona.
Our culinary creator and stealer of soles in her magic black box!

Master Andrew.
Is our larger than life Guard!

Friar Barnabas.
Our resident Hospitaller and making of shinnies!

Mistress Christine.
Companion of Friar Barnabas and attends to HIS spiritual needs, or so she says!

Master Aaron.
Our resident Clanky and Master of Arms in training and part time archery target!

Master Craig
One of our new members this year, details to follow!

Mistress Sioned
One of our new members this year, details to follow!

Master Gwilym
One of our new members this year, details to follow!
Junior Members.
Below are some of our Junior members who attend with their parents.

Miss Ffion
Miss Ffion is the daughter of Master Joel and Mistress Mandy and head of the Junior Members.

Miss Rhiannon.
Young Rhiannon. Child of Clare the Seer and companion of Miss Ffion.

Young Master Logan
Young Logan. Child of Clare the Seer and companion of Miss Ffion.

Young Master Zak
Apprenticed to Baz the Bard.

Miss Niamh.
Mistress Niamh is normally seen with Mistress Christine and Friar Barnabas.
Associate Members.

Master Cantwell.
Retired Drill Sergeant.

Mistress Hannah.
Maker of all things crafty.

Mistress Caroline.
Mistress Caroline is our Purveyor of Provisions, if you need it she can get it! Or so she says!