BOARS new venture.
French Resistance and SOE.
Hi and welcome to our new section.
As an added dimention to our activities we have added a somewhat unusual new direction for us "The French Resistance" and SOE (Special Opperations Executive) of WW2.
I have been involved in this for a few years now and have built up a full persona and background for myself as well as a small but neatly formed set up giving people an insite into this very important part of WW2 history, without the resistance there would have been no D-Day !!!
The group has now decided to add this dimension to our portfolio and we have started to bring together an excellent display and can offer this to event organizers as a an alternative to our Medieval display.
We have done a few small events with this now and it's going really well with some members embracing it so looking good now. We also have diversified into WW1 and retrod our camp, few less guns and bangy stuff but still as important. Based on a "way Camp" on and escape route on the France/Belgian border so a bit more earthy but interesting. Calling it "La route vers la liberte"
Watch this website for developments !!!!!
Viva Le Resistance
Le Frog.